May 1, 2009

Notes 5/1/09 Workshop Committee Meeting - OPAC 2.010


Virtual Meeting using WebEx

June 3 or 4

Time (tentatively) 10-12:00

Record and keep workshop


10:00 – 10:10

Welcome and Procedures

10:10 – 11:10


Biblio Commons + Q and A (20 minutes)

SoPac + Q and A (20 minutes)

Library Thing + + Q and A (20 minutes)

11:10 – 11:25

Update on Open Source Open Libraries Project + Q and A

11:25 – 11:40

Torrance GPS Project + Q and A


General Q and A

To Do:

  1. Irene – Check with Norm on dates and let Pam know
  2. Pam – send out date information to committee
  3. Heather – Check with Beth and let Pam know
  4. When date is set – Pam send to committee along with an email to go to presenters
  5. Heather – Confirm with Beth and Peder (Library Thing)
  6. Irene – Confirm with Norm
  7. Rosario – Confirm with Joseph
  8. All – write blurb for workshop and send to Pam
  9. Pam write flyer and pass by committee
  10. Pam send flyer to Betty for distribution
  11. Pam – set up time with committee members to practice WebEx
  12. Pam – send out how to log in information to participants and presenters
  13. Pam – write evaluation on Survey Monkey and schedule to have sent to participants
  14. Upload speakers’ PowerPoint demonstrations 3 days before webinar?

Did I miss things??????????????????

What We Want Covered by SoPac and BiblioCommons

  1. Overview of product
  2. How does it enhance the OPAC – particularly how does it improve searching
  3. How do you integrate with current ILS programs (and which ones)
  4. How do you integrate with 3rd party programs, such as, EnvisionWare and Webfeat
  5. Advantages for library staff
  6. Advantages for public
  7. How does the product deal with multiple languages

What We Want Covered by LibraryThing

  1. Overview of product
  2. What are the new directions for LibraryThing?
  3. How exactly will LT integrate with Syndetic

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